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4 new additions within last seven days. (0 in this category.)
FUNNY 25 0952: Here they are...the hottest and coolest songs for all of 2009. The bonus tracks feature songs that made our year-end countdowns in the past, but have not been heard much lately. Dec 27, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 28, 2009) |
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CHRISTMAS 0951: Here's our final holiday show for 2009. Lots of old favorites plus some we haven't heard for years, and a few brand new carols as well. The bonus tracks include, among other things, three of the "worst" Christmas songs of all time. Dec 20, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 21, 2009) |
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CHRISTMAS 0950: Here's Part Two of our three-part holiday celebration for 2009, with half a dozen Chanukah carols joining our rollicking roster of Yuletide hilarities. WARNING: the bonus tracks this week are what we might call an Anti-Christmas show...songs that are not in what's usually called the Christmas spirit, and are absolutely not recommended for children...but you've told us how much you love these songs that we mostly can't play on radio, so here they are. Dec 13, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 14, 2009) |
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CHRISTMAS 0949: Here's the first of our three Christmas/Hanukkah shows for 2009. Old holiday favorites (some of which haven't been on the show in years) mix with contemporary songs reflecting the conditions of Christmas today. More new songs (and oldies too) are in the bonus segment. Dec 6, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 7, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0948 : The snow is flying (at least somewhere) and here comes our Salute to Winter for 2009, along with the Top Ten for November and a little excursion to Neverland (that is, eight songs with the word "never" in the title). Bonus tracks include ski and snowboarding songs along with actor Crispin Glover's outlandish cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walking." Nov 29, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 30, 2009) |
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THANKSGIVING 0947: Here's our Happy Thanksgiving show for 2009. We celebrate the consumption of turkey and other festive foods...but we also remember that other meaning of the word "turkey" to denote a movie, play or song that is extremely bad. To that end, we bring back this week the Audio Torture Chamber, a feature some listeners might remember from the 1980s. We visit the Chamber at the end of each segment (except the last one). Notable among the bonus tracks is "Turkish Delight," a 1932 British comedy record spoofing the cultural traditions of Baghdad and other Middle Eastern localities. (Warning: politically incorrect). Nov 22, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 23, 2009) |
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MARIJUANA 0946: Our topic this week is marijuana. We've never made the evil weed a main topic before -- it's still illegal, after all -- but there are thousands of songs about it. We're only scratching the surface, but here's a nice little survey of the best of the more humorous marijuana melodies. The bonus tracks include some rare gems from the 1930s. (As is our custom, the first two segments offer a variety of new and old funny songs on other subjects). Nov 15, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 16, 2009) |
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FANTASY TOP 25 0945: Something we haven't tried before this week...we present a "fantasy countdown" compiled by listener Steve Szeli of Newburgh, NY. This is essentially a countdown of Steve's favorite demented songs. It contains a nice mix of classic Demented hits with some items not heard all that often. We hope to present more "fantasy countdowns" on an occasional basis in the future, and we invite you to send your list! (Use the "request a song" feature at The "bonus tracks" are some deserving new songs we somehow haven't been able to fit into the regular show. There are a couple of naughty words here and there. Nov 8, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 9, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0944: Here's our Top Ten show for October 2009. This show also has our more or less annual salute to hunting, and three memorial tributes (Vic Mizzy, Capt. Lou Albano, and Soupy Sales) which is sad but also lots of fun. The Bonus Tracks include some real rarities...Jimmie Cross' rarely heard followup to "I Want My Baby Back," early efforts from Ray Stevens and Sly Stone (one of the Stewart Brothers) - each of these artists made records for almost a decade before finding real success - and an alternate version of Captain Lou Albano's rousing theme song. Nov 1, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 2, 2009) |
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HALLOWEEN #2 0943: Here we go with Dr. Demento's Big Halloween Party For 2009 Part Two.
This week we have an All-Time All-Halloween Top Ten Countdown! By popular demand we have brought back the original version of "Carmen Miranda's Ghost," with the castanets. This week's Bonus Tracks include over 30 minutes of rare Halloween blasts from the past, including the earliest recording of "Psycho," and a song by Johnny Legend, co-writer of "Pencil Neck Geek." Oct 25, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 26, 2009) |
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HALLOWEEN #1 0942: Here's the first of our two Halloween specials for 2009, featuring all-time favorite "spooky tunes and scary melodies." Notice the exciting new versions of "I Put A Spell On You" and "Haunted House." The bonus tracks are mostly from the early days of rock 'n roll and include several rare items never before heard on the show. Oct 18, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 19, 2009) |
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NONSENSE 0941: There are those who say the Dr. Demento Show is nonsense. With this show, we aim to prove them right. This show has over an hour of utter and absolute nonsense. We also celebrate Columbus Day. Oct 11, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 12, 2009) |
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ROAD TRIP 0940: The Dr. Demento Show takes you on a headphone road trip across America (and a few other places) with songs and comedy about places and spaces from New York to California. Also: some rare album tracks by the late Henry Gibson. Oct 4, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 5, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0939: Here's the Top Ten for September. Also featured: Weird Al's "My Bologna," in honor of its 30th anniversary, colorful pills, little babies in peril, the late punk poet and basketball diarist Jim Carroll, and (by semi-popular request) songs from Dr. Demento's iPod, i.e. some of the things he listens to when he's not listening to funny music. Sep 27, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 28, 2009) |
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BEATLES 0938: With all the fuss over Rock Band: Beatles and all the re-mastered Beatles albums, here's a different sort of Beatles tribute: a full hour of songs about the Beatles, recorded between 1963 and 1969. This is different from our previous Beatles tributes; there are no medleys. All of these now-rare records are played complete. Also: songs about football, superheroes, video games and alcohol. Sep 20, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 21, 2009) |
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HUMAN BODY 0937: In our second hour this week we celebrate the human body in all its glory. Lots more songs about body parts are included on our online bonus segment, which is uncensored - no bleeps allowed on the bonus tracks! (Parental guidance suggested). Also this week: a four-song celebration of Talk Like A Pirate Day. Sep 13, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 14, 2009) |
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LABOR DAY 0936: Labor Day was invented in the late 19th century as a way for the US government to show American workers (especially union members) that the government loved and respected them. Nowadays most Americans mostly think of Labor Day as the last barbecue of summer, but there are a whole lot of great and funny songs about working, and we can't think of a better time to play them. Sure beats actually working! The bonus tracks have some entertaining, rare and historical songs and comedy bits about labor unions, including Pete Seeger at age 21 (with the Almanac Singers), plus Carlton the Doorman. Sep 6, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 7, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0935: Here's the Top Ten for August 2009, plus a variety of other delights new and old. The bonus tracks segment this week is devoted to comedy songs about Christianity (warning - unorthodox attitudes!) and features songs from the new CD compilation "The Best of Blasphemy" along with the uncensored "Religion and Politics." (The bleeped version is in the radio show). Aug 30, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 31, 2009) |
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SCHOOL 0934: It's back-to-school week on the Dr Demento Show. We won't try to sell you any clothes or backpacks or cellphone accessories - but Dr Demento did bring along a whole lot of crazy songs and comedy about school, from kindergarten to college. The bonus tracks will get you extra credit! Aug 23, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 24, 2009) |
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VACATION 0933: As summer starts to wind down, here's your chance to go on a virtual vacation. Our second hour features our all time favorite vacation songs, with a special segment on fishing. Also this week: the Dr D debut of The Fuxedos, a band that should appeal to Zappa fans everywhere (but has its own irreverent style), Billy Edd Wheeler's two outhouse odes back to back for the first time, two new songs by the recently reunited Faust & Lewis, and "Weird Al" Yankovic's salute to the late and legendary Charles Nelson Reilly. Aug 16, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 17, 2009) |
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DOGS 0932: We salute the dog days of summer with our more or less annual Dr. Demento dog show. Here are more canine classics than we've ever had on a single show, with even more doggie ditties featured in the bonus segment. Dr. Demento Debuts include "Platform Wars," the definitive spoof of those Mac Vs. PC commercials, and the PG-13 rated "Sex Positions Song." (With the title words masked, the latter sounds like delightful nonsense). Aug 9, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 10, 2009) |
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CATS 0931: Cats are our topic this week. Well over an hour of kitty ditties including more than a dozen that weren't played last year. Aside from that, Weird Al's latest inspired the Doctor to bring out a couple more nautical favorites...and we remember Walter Cronkite with a rare song about him from the early 1970s. Aug 2, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 3, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0930: Here's the Top Ten for July 2009, complete with a brand new Barnes & Barnes song. Other highlights include a hot new song about the Gauntlet arcade game ("Kill the Enemies"), a new expanded version of Lemon Demon's song about the reclusive creator of Calvin and Hobbes, and lots of boobs and butts. Among the bonus tracks, the last two songs are about a strong PG-13. Jul 26, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 27, 2009) |
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HAIR 0929: A very hairy show this week, featuring an hour of songs about that stuff that grows out of our heads (or used to, anyway). Also featured: four songs about teeth and dentists, three about Harry Potter, and one about nuclear waste (complete with explosion). Jul 19, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 20, 2009) |
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D-POD SHUFFLE 0928: By popular demand, here's another "D-Pod Shuffle" show, where I let my computer pick songs at random. Instead of the logical thought progressions and harmonious segues that I normally take pride in, this one takes us all over the place. New, old, loud, soft, nice, nasty, profound, stoopid, whatever! Great fun! Don't miss "Star Trek-A-Polka," which hasn't been heard for over 20 years. In the online-only segment we'll hear two (2) vintage episodes of the dreaded Audio Torture Chamber, plus perhaps the darkest piece of dark comedy I've ever played on the show ("Answering Machine" is not recommended for children!!!) Jul 12, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 13, 2009) |
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FINALLY A KMET FRIDAY: Time Warp, Pico & Sepulveda, Fish Heads, Another one Rides the Bus, Stardrek, Pencil Neck Geek, Bleepies & Beer, Dead Puppies, Poisoning Pigeons, They're Coming to Take me Away Jul 10, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 14, 2020) |
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ALL-AMERICAN 0927: Here's our traditional All-American show for the Fourth of July - ka-BOOOM! Lots of good old red-white-and-blue American dementia, plus a few that needle our wonderful country a little bit (freedom of speech, and all!) This show has the revised version of Baldbox's "U.S. F'n A" (did you know they left out a whole state the first time?) plus Seamonkey's fragrant spoof of "Boom Boom Pow." The bonus tracks survey America's ambivalent attitudes towards our land's first citizens (warning, pervasive stereotypes). Jul 5, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 6, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0926: Our Top Ten show for June also features some excellent new songs. Baldbox is a collaboration between Rob Balder and "ShoEboX" from Worm Quartet. Bongo Riders is led by Doug Forman, a founder of The Fools ("Psycho Chicken.") Plus - we have seven songs in a row about ducks. The online-only portion features some early comedy rap songs, some of them not heard for a decade or more. Jun 28, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 29, 2009) |
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FATHER'S DAY 0925: Our Father's Day celebration has an hour of fatherly favorites (plus more on the bonus segment). As with our Mother's Day madness, a healthy sense of humor is essential! Also featured - Todd Snider's new song about Dock Ellis, who pitched a no-hitter for the Pittsburgh Pirates while tripping on LSD, and a trio of movie star tributes. Jun 21, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 22, 2009) |
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SUMMER 0924: We just can't wait for's another hour's worth of demented summer songs for you, including Allan Sherman's original "Hello Mudduh" along with the 1964 sequel...and a big stack of summer camp songs that I used to sing with my fellow campers back in the day. Also included are some 1930s rarities related to the drug culture of that era...and one of our most requested oldies, "The Last Blast of the Blasted Bugler" - that's the one about Gunga Din. To top it off, our online bonus segment includes the extremely rare original release of "Last Blast," which is almost a minute longer than the more familiar version. Jun 14, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 15, 2009) |
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ALIENS AND UFO'S 0923: Our subject this time is Aliens and UFO's - our most complete investigation ever of that Hot Topic, with eight more extraterrestrial excursions in the bonus segment (most of those have never been uploaded before). Other highlights include our first new track in awhile from Henry Phillips, and an Arctic adventure with England's Mighty Boosh. Jun 7, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 8, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0922: Here's the Top Ten for May 2009, plus a big bunch of requests, and a little Poetry Corner too. The bonus segment features several newish songs we can't play on radio (parental discretion suggested, especially for the last two). May 31, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 1, 2009) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S ZOO 0921: This week we visit Dr. Demento's zoo - and some wild places too - with a tall stack of songs about wild animals of many species. The bonus segment in particular has a lot of items you aren't likely to find anywhere else. Our first two segments introduce a half dozen most excellent new songs. May 24, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 25, 2009) |
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DR DEMENTO'S FARM 0920: We visit Dr. Demento's Farm this week - where laughter grows tall. It's our biggest-ever bumper crop of agricultural Dementia, with eight extra rural rarities in the bonus segment. Also featured is Luke Ski's tribute to Tom Lehrer, who claims to have invented the alcoholic concoction called the Jello Shot. May 17, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 18, 2009) |
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MOTHER'S DAY 0919: Here's our Demented salute to Mother's Day 2009. Recommended for mothers with a keen sense of humor, and anyone else who'd like to explore the rich veins of comedy inspired by the universal condition of motherhood, and all its psychological impilcations and complications. Our bonus for this show is a 1973 interview with Frank Zappa, in which he introduced The Shaggs for the first time, talked about his early (pre-Mothers) recordings, and also played some cherished 1950s R&B items. May 10, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 11, 2009) |
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CARTOONS 0918: Our show is extremely animated this week - it's got over 30 cartoon themes and demented songs about cartoons. It's like a whole week of Saturday mornings (or matinees!) The bonus tracks are a half dozen forgotten but charming pop songs about Disney characters, from 1929-1936 - very rare original 78's from the Demento Archives (plus one from Musical Mike). May 3, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 4, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0917: It's Top Ten Time for April 2009! This show also features a few songs for Earth Day (a bit late, but we should celebrate all year long, right?), a new topical tune by novelty record king Gary Paxton (producer of the original "Monster Mash"), and, in our online-only section, some rare items from past Dr Demento Basement Tapes CD's. (Reminder: past Basement Tapes CD's are available - but to current, paid-up members of the Demento Society only). Apr 26, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 27, 2009) |
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NUMBERS 0916: We do it by the numbers this time! Every song is based on numbers, from one-half to 700 billion. The online bonus tracks include a couple of unreleased rarities not heard in over 20 years - "Eight Arms to Hold You" by Damaskas (with Barnes & Barnes) and "14" by The Bombardiers, which has to do with the number of times an average person passes gas on an average day. Apr 19, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 20, 2009) |
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EASTER 0915: Our Easter Sunday show celebrates several traditions that go along with Easter...Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, and chocolate in particular. The online-only bonus tracks have some especially hard-to-find examples, including the 100-year-old "Rabbit Hash" and also "The Chick," which appeared for one week only on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart, in 100th place. Apr 12, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 13, 2009) |
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TWO WHEELS 0914: Our topic this week is "Two Wheels" - bicycles and motorcycles. We also revisit baseball, with half an hour of diamond delights not heard on our March 22 show. Our online-only bonus tracks include "Abner the Baseball" by Eddie Lawrence ("The Old Philosopher"), never before heard on our network show, and a baseball bit from 1909, the oldest comedy recording we know of about sports fans. Apr 5, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 6, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0913: Here's the Top Ten for March, plus lots more treats for discerning Dementites, including songs about bad hair, the Wild West, sniffles and sneezes, and Grandma. We have a special tribute to the late Alan Livingston, who signed the Beatles to Capitol Records and revitalized Frank Sinatra's career...but we focus on his contributions to the Golden Era of children's records, 1946-52, when among other things he invented the character of Bozo the Clown, and co-wrote "I Taut I Taw A Puddy Tat." Our bonus segment features three multi-part Golden Era kids' records, running about 12 minutes each. Also note that for online listeners only, "Existential Blues" is heard here in the original, slightly longer version. Mar 29, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 30, 2009) |
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SPRINGTIME 0912: Here's our demented salute to springtime...its birds, its flowers, its worms and showers...and some baseball too. We also have a farewell salute to the 20th century's second most popular American boy soprano, the late Jimmy Boyd. The online bonus tracks include some very hard-to-find 1960s singles by Jimmy Boyd as an adult vocalist, in songs he wrote together with Bobby Darin, and with Leon Russell and J. J. Cale. (Also - "Wal-Martian Rhapsody" and "Beer!!!", which appear in slightly edited versions on the radio show, are unedited for the online version). Mar 22, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 23, 2009) |
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RELATIVES 0911: We celebrate relatives on this week's show -- you know, all those people in your life that you don't get to pick and choose! Aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins and so on. There's also a nice long set of demented St. Patrick's Day favorites. The online-only bonus set has more songs about relatives. (Note: "Granny And The Kid" is unedited and has a bit of explicit language, as does "How's Your Hole Family.") Mar 15, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 16, 2009) |
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RADIO 0910: Our subject this week is Radio...songs and comedy bits about radio from various eras, especially from the original heyday of radio in the 1920s, and the heyday of Top 40 in the 1950s (and the payola scandal that followed). Our bonus tracks include a great radio blues (by a singer better known as "Smiley" Lewis) and two hilarious radio satires from the 1920s. (N. B. - "Radio Impressions" and "Twisting The Dials" are here presented in their entirety -- earlier appearances of these items in our online shows are excerpts only). Lots of exciting new stuff in our first hour! Mar 8, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 9, 2009) |
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RECORDS 0909: We celebrate records this week...those big flat round black things people used to put on turntables when they wanted to hear some music. Given up for dead not that long ago, they're BAAACK with a vengeance, and we're here to cheer them on, having loved records since early childhood. Our bonus track segment this week has even more Records About Records...lots of things that will never be on CD or even iTunes...and the "regular" part of the show has a couple of hidden bonuses for online listeners only: "The White Knight" is the extended version, three minutes longer, only released as a 45 rpm B-side...and "Genie, the Magic Record" has 2 1/2 minutes of extra magic. Mar 1, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 2, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0908: This week we salute the variable nature of friendship and un-friendship, the city of Los Angeles, cannabis, a new cult film and an old one, and -- of course -- the Top Ten for February. Our bonus segment features nine, count 'em, nine rare Spike Jones tracks. Feb 22, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 23, 2009) |
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SHORT SONGS 0907: Every three years or so Dr. Demento gathers up some of the shortest songs in his archives. This time, as in 2005, he sequences them so that they get shorter and shorter as the show progresses, for an exhilarating rush to brevity. The opening song, Steve Martin's new "Late For School," has nothing to do with that. Neither does the online-only bonus segment, dedicated to Tiny Tim, and featuring a funny and revealing interview with Minnesota radio personality T. D. Mischke. Much of the interview is devoted to Tiny's unique approach to personal hygiene. (We'd rate it somewhere around PG-13). Feb 15, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 16, 2009) |
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VALENTINE'S DAY 0906: Here's our celebration of Valentine's Day 2009...lots of old favorites plus some we haven't heard in awhile. You can also compare our two "kill the wabbit" songs back-to-back, featuring ace impressionists Darrell Hammond (of SNL fame) and Mark McCollum (as Ozzy Fudd). Our bonus segment introduces some worthy newer songs that are a bit too explicit for radio. They are unbleeped here and parental guidance is suggested; the last one is especially explicit. Feb 8, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 9, 2009) |
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TRAINS 0905: All aboard for a show featuring one of Dr. D's favorite topics, trains. (He has been a railfan since age four, when he was in a nursery school overlooking a busy railroad track). Lots of hard to find items, especially in the "Rarities" online bonus segment. Feb 1, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 2, 2009) |
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TOP TEN 0904: Here's our first monthly Top Ten for 2009! Other treats include a salute to Damaskas' Copycat Corner from 1979, prompted by a new book following the same M.O....and, in our online-only bonus segment, a track from each of the five albums nominated for the Grammy for Best Comedy Recording this year. Jan 25, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 26, 2009) |
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PRESIDENTS 0903: The Dr. Demento Show goes all-Presidential! In honor of the inauguration of Barack Obama, and to help prepare him for the comedic zingers that are sure to come his way in the next four years, we offer a retrospective of the comedic abuse heaped upon several former Presidents, one soon-to-be-former President, and one would-be-President-elect. As with last week's Scandals show, many long-unavailable collector's items are included. Jan 18, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 19, 2009) |
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SCANDALS 0902: Our Hour Two theme this week is "Scandals" - especially those involving powerful, wealthy and/or sexy people who behave in bizarre, distasteful or dishonest ways. Starring Britney, Michael, Jim & Tammy, Bill & Monica, and more. Many of the songs heard here are very hard to find today, having disappeared from the marketplace as their subject matter faded from the tabloid covers. This theme dovetails with next week's show, which celebrates the inauguration of Barack Obama with lots of songs and comedy bits about his predecessors and their scandals. Jan 11, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 12, 2009) |
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EASY SONGS FOR HARD TIMES 0901: Our first show of 2009 spotlights the economy. We're calling it "Easy Songs For Hard Times." Along with songs inspired by the current SNAFU, I located some songs from the early 1930s when we were experiencing some very similar situations. Some of those songs are surprisingly cheerful! We could use a little of that cheer today. Jan 4, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 5, 2009) |
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