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3 new additions within last seven days. (0 in this category.)
D-POD 0718:Here we go again with another "D-Pod Shuffle"'s like giant mp3 player picking songs at random from all the thousands of songs played on the Dr Demento show since it began in 1970. You'll hear some of the all-time Demented hits along with songs that have only been played once or twice before, illuminated with Dr. Demento's unique insights. May 6, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added May 7, 2007) |
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D-POD SHUFFLE 0928: By popular demand, here's another "D-Pod Shuffle" show, where I let my computer pick songs at random. Instead of the logical thought progressions and harmonious segues that I normally take pride in, this one takes us all over the place. New, old, loud, soft, nice, nasty, profound, stoopid, whatever! Great fun! Don't miss "Star Trek-A-Polka," which hasn't been heard for over 20 years. In the online-only segment we'll hear two (2) vintage episodes of the dreaded Audio Torture Chamber, plus perhaps the darkest piece of dark comedy I've ever played on the show ("Answering Machine" is not recommended for children!!!) Jul 12, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 13, 2009) |
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D-POD SHUFFLE 1010: By popular demand, the "D-Pod Shuffle" rides again. In other words, the songs on this show are chosen at random from the vastness of the Demento Archives. Along with familiar items we have songs that haven't been heard in ten, twenty years or more, and a lot you won't find anywhere else, even online. The bonus tracks have more of the same but even stranger, including "Clothes of the Dead" (by a one-off group featuring Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller), Paul McCartney's kid brother "Mike McGear"(singing a song co-written by Paul), and a pair of especially wondrous vaudeville bits from 1916 by Mr. Robert J. Wildhack. Mar 7, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 8, 2010) |
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D-POD SHUFFLE 1021: The D-Pod Shuffle strikes again! Once again the entire show (except for the Demented News) was picked at random from our library. Here are hilarious hits and magnificent misses from all the years of Dementia. The bonus tracks have more of the same, including a few tracks heard only once before in the earliest years of the show, and, as a "bonus bonus," two remarkable cover versions of "Cigareets, Whuskey and Wild, Wild Women." May 23, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added May 24, 2010) |
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Daily Dose Of Dementia (Apr. 12 93 to May 7 93): Tibetan Memory Trick, Drunks, Chelsea in Diguise, Mr. Wizard & Timmy, Elmer Fudd Sings Fire, Baseball & Football, Flying, Parenting, Excuse Me, Smoke, Driving, Firecracker Mishap, Happy Darling, Mrs. Dead Pigeon, Argument Clinic, Sneakers, Disc Jockeys, California Earthquake, Movie Snacks, Mom Always liked You Best Apr 12, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 29, 2023) |
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Daily Dose Of Dementia (Feb. 15 93 to Mar. 12 93): Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, Rock Stars, Lady I Know, You Were Speeding, Bathroom on the Right, George Washington, Reggae Popeye, Smoke, 2000-year-old Man, Scotsman, Lane Experts, His Majesty the Policeman, Delivery, Africa, Mick Jagger at 49, Battered Plants, Fatal Beatings, Should Pads, Frazzled, Driving Feb 15, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 30, 2018) |
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Daily Dose Of Dementia (Jan. 18 93 to Feb. 12 93): Hair Piece, Sister Mary Elephant, Kidnapped, PMS Airlines, Fat Man's Prayer, Pet Shop, Jimmy Peterson, No Anchovies Please, Car Noises, Abominable Snowman, White House, Traffic, Fast Food, Tonto's Cowboy Bank, Gospel Maniacs, Diet Song, Cooking, Noah, Moose Goosers Jan 18, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 29, 2017) |
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Daily Dose Of Dementia (Mar. 15 93 to Apr. 9 93): Gas Station Wash Room, Conflict, Stairway to Heaven, Bedtime Story, First Drink, Stress, Mr. Veedle, Headache Remedy, In the Mood, L.A. Riots, Money Song, Shop, Blondes, Itchy Twitchy Spot, No Smoking, Dentist, Man's Best Friend, Kmart Blues, Science Fiction Film, Rogaine Mar 15, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 30, 2022) |
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Daily Dose of Dementia (May 10 93 to Jun 4 93): Need for Speed, Cruel Shoes, Hair Piece, 1200 Hamburgers to Go, Uncle Freddie, Last Will & Temperament, Lying, Relationships, Library, Punitive Damages, Jobs, Unemployed, Fat Albert Plays Dead, Ice Box Man, Calling in Sick, Used Paint, Religion & Politics, Traffic, How I Spent my Summer Vacation May 10, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 29, 2024) |
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DANCE 1510: It's a Demented Dance Party this week, with the Funky Gibbon, the Masochism Tango, the Punk Polka, the Punk Square Dance and others even more demented! Also a tribute to Leonard Nimoy. Mar 7, 2015 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 7, 2015) |
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Dance of the Hours, Old Gray Mare, Witch Doctor, Reefer Man, Smoke that Cigarette, I ate the Baloney, Night after Night, Casey at the Bat, Can Broadway do without Us?, Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Me, Fat Man's Prayer, Making Love in a Subaru, Fish Heads, In the Mood May 27, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 18, 2023) |
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DANCE PART 2 1524: Demented Dance Party 2015 rides again! The sequel to our March 7 show has even more booty-busters and brain-shakers for your dancing and Dementing pleasure - plus the Logan Awards winners. Jun 13, 2015 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 13, 2015) |
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DANCE PARTY: Rhapsody from Hunger, Russian Bandstand, Like a Dribbling Fram, Donna Summer on the Radio, Along Came Jones, Mildred our Choir Director, Punk Polka, I Can't Dance, Madison Time, Masochism Tango, Mystery Dance, Funky Gibbon, Ikey & Mikey, Kinko the Clown Aug 21, 1983 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 23, 2019) |
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Dancing Fool, Never Gonna Dance, Omar the Vampire, Inflation, Pot Party, Brush up Your Shakespeare, Joltin Joe Dimaggio, Ballad of Fearless Dwight, Headaches, Serious, Lily the Pink, Wyatt Earp Makes me Burp, I Hear Horses, My Name is Larry, Rubber Biscuit Apr 1, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 6, 2014) |
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DANCING: Rosie Don't Bang on the Piano, Dollar a Gallon, First Lady, Country Music is Here to Stay, Hockey Night in Canada, There Was a Fungus Among us, Reluctant Cannibal, Old Sow Song, Time Warp Dance Medley, I Can't Dance, Amazing Man, Fish Heads, Dancing Fool May 6, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 16, 2023) |
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Darktown Poker Club, Wong Song, If You're a Viper, Everybody Wants my Fanny, Light my Fire Jan 5, 1975 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 12, 2009) |
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DAVID BRENNER INTERVIEW: This is the Life, Time Warp, Obscene Phone Call, Elderly Man River, Skinny Girls, You Can Leave Your Hat On, Do You Brush your Teeth, Silicon Valley Guy, Knight Rider Christmas, Exercise til you Die, Mrs. Dead Pigeon, Mule Train, One Less Jogger on the Road, Cemetery Girls, Wet Dream Dec 2, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 5, 2017) |
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Davy's Dinghy, Tennessee Bird Walk, Boy Wonder I Love You, Sister Mary Elephant, Roger Boom, Ape Call, Dirty old Man, High School Gym, Sidewalk Surfin, Super Skier, Masochism Tango, What it Was Was Football, Pencil Neck Geek, My Dead Dog Rover Dec 3, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 16, 2022) |
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DAWS BUTLER INTERVIEW: Mr. Roberts, Lox Radio Theater, Golden Spike, St. James Infirmary, Philadelphia Lawyer, Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean, I Live in a Split-Level Head, Beatles at Three Mile Island, Cocaine Blues Jul 15, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 2, 2012) |
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DEAD ALEWIVES INTERVIEW: I Don't Wanna do That, I Won't Grow up, Yellow Septran Bus, Spare Parts, Ballad of William Robinson, Intergalactic Laxative, My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors, I Got a Wife, Answering Machine, Dungeons and Dragons, Kill the Rabbit, Cows with Guns Apr 20, 1997 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 7, 2019) |
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Death Jam, Love in Bloom, Seduced, Paralyzed, This Song is Boring, Repetition, We all Scream for Ice Cream, Dallas, All about Music, Raspberry Song, No Beer in Heaven, Teenage Lobotomy, Hamster Love, Bicycle Seat, Space Invaders Mar 29, 1981 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 23, 2020) |
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DEE-JAYS PART 1 ON KMET: Christmas Carol, Cows Don't Fly, This Bus Won't go to War, Christmas Greetings 1967, 12 Days of Christmas, Crazy People, Run Paint Run, Fish License, Nighthawk Blues, Mr. Radio Man, Stay-up Stan, DJ Theme Song, Chaos, Old Payola Roll Blues, Ajax Liquor Store, What is a DJ, He Ate too Many Jelly Doughnuts Dec 7, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 13, 2020) |
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DEE-JAYS PART 2 ON KMET: Do You Think I'm Disco, It's Still Billy Joel to Me, 50 Ways to Beat your Lover, Tibetan Memory Trick, Wet T-Shirt Night, Smut, Hollywood Holiday, Long Beach, El Monte, Azusa, Me and my Vibrator, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, Rubber Biscuit, Space Invaders, Another one Rides the Bus Dec 7, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 13, 2020) |
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Delicious, Give me that Old Unemployment, Tall People, Argument Clinic, I am Whale, Sinister Lunch Meat, Looney Toon, Mummy, If, Donald Where's Your Trousers, Mongoloid, I Owe a Lot to Iowa Pot, Mahna Mahna, Stardrek, Ballad of Irving Mar 5, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 16, 2017) |
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DEMENTED BLUES: 2001 Sprach Kazoostra, Vulcan Mind Meld, Generic Blues Jan 7, 2001 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 28, 2006) |
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DEMENTED BLUES: Fast Food, Commercials on 45, Punk Polka, Dead Punk, Smoker's Anthem, Ain't no Liberal, Gingrich the Newt, They're Coming to get me Again, Firing the Surgeon General, Turning Japanese, Woke up This Morning, Talking Vietnam, Just Can't Seem to get the Blues, Buckingham Blues, Curly Shuffle, You Don't Love me Anymore, Lijah, Bulbous Bouffant Jan 14, 1996 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 6, 2024) |
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DEMENTED BLUES: Generic Blues, Alphabet Song, Ukelele Blues, Down with V-E-G, Vegetables, Woke up this Morning, Masked Man, God Told me to Rob the 7-11, Blind Melon, Bear Whiz Beer, High Tech Redneck, Politically Correct, Person to Person, Alligator Wine, Pale Blues, Lunchlady Land Apr 24, 1994 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 1, 2023) |
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DEMENTED CHRISTMAS PICKS 1982: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, Wreck the Halls, My Two Front Teeth, I Found the Brains of Santa Claus, CHRISTMAS 1971 (songs only, announcements missing): Christmas Island, Donde Esta Santa Claus, Chipmunk Song, Captain Santa Claus, Is Santa Claus Coming to Stay?, Santa's Beard, Run Rudolph Run, WITH STEVEN CLEAN 1972 (songs only, announcements missing): I'm Gonna Keep my Hair Parted, Way I Feel, You'd Be Surprised (TOTAL TIME APPROXIMATELY ONE HOUR) Dec 10, 1982 [ Play List ] [ Play List ] [ Play List ] (Added Aug 31, 2014) |
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DEMENTED COUNTRY MUSIC: Neil Young, Hay Fever Song, Give me the Carcass of Ernie Banks, Road Kill, Arnold Rap, Log Theme, They Whack Balls, I Hate Country, Country Music is Here to Stay, Prisoner's Song, One Piece at a Time, You Never Even Called me by my Name, Hey Batman 92, Smells Like Nirvana Aug 23, 1992 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 7, 2014) |
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DEMENTED DANCE PARTY 0822: This week's show features a Demented Dance Party. Let's do the Time Warp again...along with the Funky Gibbon, the Punk Polka and the Curly Shuffle.
The bonus online segment features some vintage dance instruction records, in a montage narrated by Dr. D quite a long time ago. Also note the Weird Al rarity in segment 2. Jun 1, 2008 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 2, 2008) |
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DEMENTED LOVE SONGS 2006: Can a song (or a person) be both Deeeeeeeeemented and romantic? Check out this week's show for more than 90 minutes of deeeemented love songs, plus the Demented year 1975 and other surprises. Feb 8, 2020 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 8, 2020) |
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DEMENTED LOVE SONGS 2207: Along with our customary program of Demented love songs, I have two very exciting premieres! A brand-new song by the Knuckleheadz...AND a new National Anthem of the Land of Deementia, "Born Weird" by Nerf Herder, featuring an accordion solo by Weird Al himself! Stream it now at Feb 12, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 12, 2022) |
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DEMENTED PLACES: Pull My Finger, Born in East L.A., Star Wars Cantina Nov 26, 2000 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 28, 2006) |
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DEMENTED POLITICS: In the Mood, She Won't French Kiss, What I Believe, I Want a Man, Too Young to Date, Just Wanna be Cool, Bringing me Back Today, Idi Amin, Religion & Politics, Presidential Handicap, 2 Cows, Tricky Dicky Rock & Roll, Ronnie vs. Fritz, Rodeo Song, Rapmaster Ronnie, Boogie in your Butt Nov 4, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 24, 2023) |
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DEMENTED REGGAE: Spam, Want a Hotdog for my Roll, Major Connie, Mama She's Lazy, I Ate up the Apple Tree, Killer Fish Sticks, Lunch Busters, Flush Busters, Bicycle Seat, Smoke two Joints, Buy me a Condo, Shaving Cream, Harry's Jockstrap, Wet Dream Nov 18, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 6, 2024) |
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DEMENTED ROCK & ROLL: Boris The Spider, Mother's Lament, Plexiglass Toilet, Bein' Green May 14, 1995 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 29, 2006) |
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DEMENTED ROCK SONGS: My Mother is a Space Cadet, Bounce your Boobies, These Eggs Were Born to Run, Whiskey for Breakfast, Boogie in your Butt, Bad Darth, Friends, Bugs, Proud Mary, Are you Lonesome Tonight, Squirrels, Fire Water Burn, Cows with Guns May 11, 1997 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 6, 2015) |
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DEMENTED SERIOUS SINGERS: Are You Lonesome Tonight, Plexiglass Toilet, Friends, Bugs Sep 12, 1999 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 12, 2009) |
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DEMENTED SIDE OF COMMUNISM: Gas Money, Russian Band Stand, Hole in the Iron Curtain, In Russia May 1, 2005 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 29, 2006) |
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DEMENTED SONGS BY ROCK AND ROLL ARTISTS: Kinko The Clown, One Piece At A Time, Spam, I Lost On Jeopardy, Purple People Eater, Entering Marion
Nov 13, 1994 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 15, 2006) |
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Demented Valentine 1998 Inflatable Girlfriend,Li'l Red Riding Hood, Bouffant Feb 8, 1998 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 1, 2006) |
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DEMENTIA FROM THE EIGHTS 1822: We celebrate some "8" years - 1948, 1958 (big year for novelty hits), 1968 (50 years ago!), 1978 (another banner year for Demented music), 1998 and 2008. Jun 2, 2018 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 2, 2018) |
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DEMOS FOR RADIO STATIONS 1974-1982: 1974 short demo, 1977 short demo, 1978 short ad, 1981 long demo, 1982 long demo (NOTE: sources and sound quality vary) Apr 2, 1974 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 29, 2012) |
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DEMOS FOR RADIO STATIONS 1984-1990: 1984 short demo, 1986 long U.K. demo, 1990 long demo (NOTE: sources and sound quality vary) Dec 31, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 29, 2012) |
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DENTISTRY/ELECTION 1241: Double feature this week - topic #1 is dentistry, topic #2 is the coming election (plus some electoral blasts from the past). The subjects may be painful, but that only makes the songs funnier! Also some requests, and a tribute to Sheriff John. Language: PG-13. Oct 13, 2012 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 13, 2012) |
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DENTISTS: Don't eat the Yellow Snow, Mr. Custer, Rapping Duke, Yellow Rose of Texas, Story of the WC, Honey Dripper, Get Naked, Monster, I'm Tough, Dentist, Painless Dentist, Baby Take your Teeth out, Little Toot, Eat it, Earth Girls are Easy Feb 17, 1985 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 3, 2024) |
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DENTISTS: Mississippi Squirrel Revival, Winona's Song, Random Drug Testing, Stoned People, Suspenders, Fowl Wind, Ikey & Mikey, Almost Degraded, Andy the Dentist, Painless Dentist, Cavity Search, Dentist, Harry Potter, God is In, Sounds of Sinus, D & D Jan 12, 2003 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 6, 2016) |
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Der Fuehrer's Face, Bounce your Boobies, Mr. Custer, I Love Me, Walter Wart the Freaky Frog, Some People Think Chickens Have Lips, I've Never Seen a Straight Banana, Cohen on the Telephone, Hello This isn't Anna, Dirty Don, Chula Vista, Gumball Wizard, Lumberjack Song, Hamster Love May 7, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 18, 2018) |
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Deteriorata, Cow Pasture Polka, I Got Stoned and I Missed it, Mr. Roberts, Young Love, Strip Polka, Wet T-shirt Night, Alfred Packer, Copycat, Star Trip, Middle of the House, I Gotta Get a Fake I.D., 15 Beers Ago, My Radiation, Let's Talk Dirty to the Animals, Deep in the Heart of Jersey, My Bologna Jan 20, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 29, 2021) |
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DEVO INTERVIEW: Fruit Song, Bear, Pollution, Breakfast Conversation, Working in a Coal Mine, Strange Pursuit, Sink the Bismark, First Date, Neanderthal Love, Big Jog, Blowing Bubble Gum, Cinderella, Dust up his Nose, My Dead Dog Rover, Sweet Transvestite Jul 8, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 15, 2023) |
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DIETING 1103: The second half of this show is especially for everyone who made a New Year's resolution to lose weight. Aren't diets a riot? We also deal with wizards and lizards, crabs and alligators, lasagna and pizza, trash and garbage. Jan 15, 2011 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 15, 2011) |
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DIETING 1502: How are your new year's resolutions doing? We'll lend a bit of musical moral support with funny diet songs by Weird Al, Shel Silverstein, Allan Sherman, Larry Groce, The Amazing Onionheads and many more. Jan 10, 2015 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 10, 2015) |
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DIETING 2128: As some of us are trying to shed the pounds we added during the long months of lockdown, here's some musical motivation! I also have the five nominees for the Logan Award for best song parody of 2020, plus Stan Freberg's hilarious backhand tribute to Lawrence Welk and other goodies. Note: "Car Keys" and "The Captain's Wife's Lament" have some adult humor. Jul 10, 2021 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 10, 2021) |
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DIETING: Eat too Much, Ooh Don't Touch That, Life Sucks then You Die, Laptop Unit, Diet Song, You People are Fat, Just Elvis, Fat Man's Prayer, Snack by Snack, Housewives on Diet Pills, Stacy Brown's Got Two, They're Coming to Take me Away in Spanish, I Hope you Got Fat, Wizard of Arkansoz, Help I'm White and I Can't Get Down Jan 17, 1993 [ Play List ] (Added May 5, 2013) |
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DIETING: Pencil Neck Geek, Diet Song, Grapefruit Diet, Eat Too Much, The Jedi Drinking Song Jan 22, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 22, 2006) |
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DIETING: Prosthetic Brain, There's a new Sound, Oops I Farted Again, French Toast Man, Because we Can, Martian March, Your Thong, Fat as I am, Junkfood Junkie, Diet Song, Drinking Man's Diet, Too Fat Polka, You can Eat Dog Food, Fat Man's Prayer, F. People, Tribal Council, Viagra in the Water Jan 25, 2004 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 25, 2022) |
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DINNER MUSIC: Martian Hop, Martian March, Space Invaders, I Want my Baby Back, Turning Japanese, Old Dope Peddler, Sophie Tucker for President, Communist Love Song, Gooey Duck Song, Nuts, Grow Mrs. Goldfarb, Smoke that Cigarette, In Heaven There is no Beer, Making Love in a Subaru, Who's on First, Pencil Neck Geek Sep 28, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 3, 2021) |
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DINNER WITH THE DOC: Temptation, Was I Drunk, Headaches, Jolly Green Giant, Pickle in the Middle, Sit on a Sandwich, Rutabaga Boogie, Elephant Song, Scare the Hell out of Me, Abdul Abulbul Amir, Freckle Song, Marvin, Deteriorata, It's a Gas Aug 10, 1975 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 16, 2012) |
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Dirty Old Man, I'm a Lonely Petunia in an Onion Patch, Suicide is Painless, What me Worry, Funniest Song in the World, Two Black Crows, Man on Page 602, Stash City High School, Be Prepared, Them Poems, It's a Gas, Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent Jan 11, 1976 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 15, 2013) |
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Dirty old Man, Telephone Man, Be Prepared, Japanese Banana, I'm my own Grandpa, Boa Constrictor, Copycat Game, You'd Look Swell in Nothing, Sideboard Song, Intoxicated Rat, Leader of the Laundromat, Something's in the Bag, Let's Talk Dirty to the Animals, Sister Mary Elephant Feb 3, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added May 30, 2021) |
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Dirty old Man, Under the Table with Her, Jolly Green Giant, Little Blue Man, Nola, Nixorcist, Normal, Cocktails for Two, Tennessee Bird Walk, Prince's Panties, Marie Provost, Clone of my Own, Argument Clinic, Hamster Love, Gumball Wizard Jun 18, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 17, 2018) |
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Dirty old Man, When I was 21, I do the Rock, Close to You, Deep in the Heart of Jersey, Traffic Accident, Warm Leatherette, Transfusion, Ouch, Billboard Song, It Must be Jelly, I Know an old Lady, Worms, What it was was Football, My Bologna, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Nov 11, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 21, 2024) |
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DISCO (KLSX LIVE): Hello I Love You, Bounce your Boobies, Domination Pizza, Probing Andromeda, I Think I'm a Clone Now, Happy Birthday, Casey at the Bat, Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent, Disco Duck, Disco Tech, Disco Boy, Disco Toilet, Lasagna, Spock Rap, Fat Jun 5, 1988 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 17, 2023) |
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DIVORCE: Leaving on a Death Plane, Virgil & the Moonshot, Ape Call, Flush your Mind, Man Song, I'm Tough, Mothra, Creep the Tragic Cockroach, I Couldn't Spell ..., You Don't Love me Anymore, She got the Goldmine, Divorce, One More Minute, Istanbul, Bulbous Bouffant, Star Wars Cantina Apr 27, 1997 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 22, 2023) |
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DO-WOP: Happy Boy, Wrong Song, Honeymooner's Rap, What if Your Girlfriend was Gone, Toe to Toe with the H.M.O., What I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee, On the Good Ship Lollipop, Rip Van Winkle, Mr. Bass Man, Charva, Rubber Biscuit, Your Horoscope for Today, Ode to my Car, Albuquerque, Viagra in the Waters Jan 9, 2000 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 21, 2020) |
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DOC GUESTING ON WEIRD AL'S COLLEGE STATION: Boobs a Lot, Up in Smoke, Hello DJ, Dust up his Nose, Naked Man, It's a Gas, Beam me up Scotty Dec 7, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 29, 2023) |
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DOC ON KUSC CLASSICAL: Hallelujah, Masochism Tango, Elderly Man River, Ying Tong Song, Word Crimes, Silly Walks, Fake Adult, Pico & Sepulveda, Laughing Record (ONE HOUR ONLY) Dec 31, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 29, 2018) |
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DOC'S BIRTHDAY PART 1: My Dingaling, King Tut's Back, Clone of my Own, I'll Show you the Way, Ikey & Mikey, Hello This isn't Anna, You Need Feet, Gooey Duck Song, Who's on First, Joe Bean, Happy Birthday, Short Dresses Apr 2, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 28, 2019) |
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DOC'S BIRTHDAY PART 2: Take a Giant Step, If I had a Woman, Waiting Hesitating, Pale Blues, Transfusion, Close Encounters, Horse of Course, Dance of the Hours, Frosty the Dopeman, Sweet Transvestite, Ballad of Irving Apr 2, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 28, 2019) |
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DOCTORS 1110: The Doctor of Funny Music celebrates all those other Doctors this week, along with hospitals, diseases, transfusions, everything medical...including a salute to Hadacol, the alcoholic vitamin tonic that swept the nation in 1949-51. Mar 5, 2011 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 5, 2011) |
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DOCTORS 1436: Dr. Demento salutes **medical** doctors this week (and nurses, and hospitals, and medicine in general). Also a mini-flashback to 1974 with Harry the Hipster. Sep 6, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 6, 2014) |
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DOCTORS 1909: Today Dr. Demento salutes doctors of medicine (and nurses too) along with some of the more amusing things that come up while they work to repair our bodies. Lots of requests, oddities and rarities in the first hour. Mar 2, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 2, 2019) |
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Does the Spearmint Lose it's Flavor?, Boy Scouts, Look at me I'm Sandra Dee, Drowning in the Surf, Tie me Surfer Board Down Sport, Burn me in my Shades, 4000 Years Ago, 2000 Year-old Man, Sidewalk Surfing, Inka Dinka Doo, Twisted Aug 17, 1975 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 21, 2012) |
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DOG DAYS: Sunday Driving, Road Rager, Boobs and Butts on the Beach, Johnny Passed Away, Sneaky Snake, Ballad of Gumby, Ralph & Herbie, Butt Scooting Boogie, White Fang, Saga of Rex, Dog Police, Chainsaw Juggler, Suicide Hotline Aug 12, 2001 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 5, 2012) |
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DOGGIE DITTIES: Them Dog Kickers, Don't Pet The Dog, Doggie Doo, Doggie Doo Blues
Aug 18, 1996 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 29, 2006) |
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Doggie Doo, Pickle in the Middle, Marvin, Flakes, Bury me in my Shades, Buffalo, Psycho, Marching to Bedlam, Ain't we Crazy, Three Blind Mice, Three Drunk Newts, Ain't it a Beauty, Cretin Hop, Hamster Love, Herbert the Pervert, Dancing Fool, My Dead Dog Rover Apr 29, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 24, 2023) |
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DOGGIE SONGS: (First two hr syndicated show)- Man's Best Friend, Our Hour, The Ballad Of Runt, Doggie In The Window Sep 1, 1974 [ Play List ] (Added May 27, 2006) |
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DOGS & CATS 1433: Songs about dogs, cats, and dogs and cats together (with very little duplication of our dog and cat shows from last August) plus a Robin Williams tribute. Aug 16, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 16, 2014) |
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DOGS & CATS 1732: Our more or less annual celebration of dog days and cat days. Recognizing that many listeners share their homes with both species, the Demented dog and cat songs are integrated this time! We also salute Elvis, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the King's departure for realms unknown. Aug 12, 2017 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 12, 2017) |
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DOGS & CATS 1833: It's the dog days of August, and the cat days too! We celebrate both on this week's new show. Lots of funny people songs too, including "She Got a Nose Job" and other nasal melodies, "It's Hot As Balls Outside" and introducing "Harry Poppins." Aug 18, 2018 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 18, 2018) |
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DOGS & CATS: Drinking Song, Donald Where's your Trousers, Wasn't that a Party, Roadkill, Rap Around, Clean Song, Closer, How Sweet to be an Idiot, We got a Stick for That, Gonna buy me a Dog, Shameful Ballad of Lijah, Froo Froo the Talking Cat, Sealed with a Bris, Cute Little Puppy, Dead Rappers, Bad Influence, Saga Begins Aug 25, 2002 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 26, 2025) |
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DOGS 0932: We salute the dog days of summer with our more or less annual Dr. Demento dog show. Here are more canine classics than we've ever had on a single show, with even more doggie ditties featured in the bonus segment. Dr. Demento Debuts include "Platform Wars," the definitive spoof of those Mac Vs. PC commercials, and the PG-13 rated "Sex Positions Song." (With the title words masked, the latter sounds like delightful nonsense). Aug 9, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 10, 2009) |
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DOGS 1033: Our annual dog show, just in time for the Dog Days. Very different from last year's dog show, with only a few songs repeated. Also a tribute to Mitch Miller, who was a brilliant and highly successful record producer, and a superb classical musician, years before "Sing Along with Mitch." And, in the bonus tracks, Allan Sherman's very first record. Parental note: the s-word is heard in "Planet Dog" and in the Mitch Miller bonus track. Aug 14, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 14, 2010) |
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DOGS 1133: Here's a show for the dog days - 27 songs about dogs, only three of which were played on last year's dog show (8-14-2010). Also: Luke Ski's new tribute to Monty Python, a tip of the top hat to Jerry Lewis, and some new bonus tracks not recommended for children. Aug 13, 2011 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 13, 2011) |
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DOGS 1332: We celebrate the dog days of August with some demented doggie ditties! The amazing interactions of humanity with dogdom (caninity?) are the subject of songs and comedy bits from the heartwarming to the scathing. The first hour is a fantastic free-for-all. Rated PG-13. Aug 10, 2013 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 10, 2013) |
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DOGS 1932: The dog days are here, and the Doctor has 90 minutes of Demented dog songs and sketches for you. Plus the Ravings of John McCullough, and Whimsical Will's fateful trip down that Old Town Road! Aug 10, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 10, 2019) |
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DOGS 2033: This week's show goes to the dogs! The second in our series of pet shows has over an hour of Demented doggie ditties and canine classics - plus "Coughing In the Donald's Face" and other scandals. Aug 15, 2020 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 15, 2020) |
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DOGS 2133: Teenage Mutant Kung-fu Chickens, Surfing Bird, Oy it's so Humid, Stonk, Hillbilly Rap, Cheesehead Song, It Ain't Easy Being Male, Hot Dog Boogie, Snoopy vs. the Red Baron, Barbecue Spuds McKenzie, How Come my Dog Don't Bark, Freeze-Dried Fido, Poetic Justice Thurgood, Hey Robin, Don't Touch That, Dead Puppies Aug 14, 2021 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 14, 2021) |
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DOGS 2233: The dog days of summer have arrived, and we're greeting them with an hour of thoroughly Demented dog songs! We'll salute Beavis & Butt-head (yes, they're back) and Sweetie Candy Vigilante (coming soon!) Stream our crazy new show immediately at Aug 13, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 13, 2022) |
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DOGS 2332: This week's show features a tribute to Paul Reubens (aka Pee Wee Herman), plus the five Logan Award nominees for best comedy song, and a whole bunch of funny songs about dogs! Stream it now or anytime at Aug 12, 2023 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 12, 2023) |
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DOGS FLASHBACK 2431: The Doc is on vacation, so we flash back to episodes from 2003 & the '80's plus hear Sulu's new one! Aug 3, 2024 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 3, 2024) |
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DOGS LIVE ON KMET: Beep Beep, Driving in the Lane with Diamonds, Hambo First Rap Part 2, Garbage Man Song, Hot Dog Boogie, Twilight Bone, Mr. Ed Raps, Haircut Song, Excuse Me, Mayberry Beret, Ode to Billy Joel, Born in East L.A., Everything She Eats, Candy Rapper Aug 18, 1985 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 15, 2024) |
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DOGS ON KLSX: Hot Dog Boogie, Uecker, Paralyzed, Get Out of my Lane, Sean and Madonna, Dawn of a New Day, Cosmic Debris, Mystery Train, Ollie Shred, Pit Bull Owners of Cerritos, Live Puppies, Old Shep, Dead Puppies Aug 16, 1987 [ Play List ] (Added May 15, 2011) |
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DOGS PART 2 2238: Of all the animals in the kingdom, dogs are second only to people as a subject for songs...and many of those songs are Demented! Here is another kennelful of funny canine classics. Stream them now or anytime from ! Sep 17, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 17, 2022) |
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DOGS/LEGENDARY STARDUST COWBOY INTERVIEW: Hot Dog Boogie, Mr. Jaws, Oosik, Face, If You Don't Like Country You Can Kiss, Big Noise from Winnetka, Ya Sure, They're Coming to Get me Again, Paralyzed, Relaxation, Bad Dog, Dogs, Mary Provost, Pit Bull Song, Stray Dog Man, Spock Rap Aug 21, 1988 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 2, 2014) |
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DOGS/LOOSE BRUCE KERR & HOWIE NAVE INTERVIEW: Teenage Mutant Kung-fu Chickens, Surfing Bird, Oy it's so Humid, Stonk, Hillbilly Rap, Cheesehead Song, It Ain't Easy Being Male, Hot Dog Boogie, Snoopy vs. the Red Baron, Barbecue Spuds McKenzie, How Come my Dog Don't Bark, Freeze-Dried Fido, Poetic Justice Thurgood, Hey Robin, Don't Touch That, Dead Puppies Aug 18, 1991 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 15, 2021) |
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DOGS: Alley Cat, Dog Ball, Hippopotamus, Little Fuzzy Animals, Jolly Green Giant, Ballad of Gumby, Religion & Politics, President Song, I Want a Man with a Slow Mind, Shakespeare Rap, Arnold Rap, Gonna Buy me a Dog, Breath of a Dog, Doggy Doo, Evelyn a Modified Dog, White Fang, Big Sniff, What Killed the Dog, My Dead Dog Rover, Shaving Cream, Happy Happy Joy Joy Aug 30, 1992 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 3, 2023) |
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DOGS: Dachshunds with Erections, Doggy Doo, Butt Scootin' Doggie, Dog Police, Pachelbel Aug 15, 1999 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 15, 2008) |
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DOGS: Delicious, Shriner's Convention, Cosmic Debris, I Want your Socks, I Shot Bambi's Mother, Hangover, Scotsman, Commercial Song, Hot Dog Boogie, Hound Dog in the Window, White Fang, Pit Bulls of L.A., Hound Dog, Gonna Buy me a Dog, Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian, Squirrels Aug 16, 1987 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 27, 2022) |
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DOGS: What if your Butt was Gone, Christmas without Martha, Burn Goody Stewart, White Trash Husband, Green Garden Hose, Doggie Doo, Buy me a Dog, Mastiff, Butt Scootin Doogie, Bark Along with Cody, Bark-off, Don't Pet the Dog, Big Sniff, My Dead Dog Rover, Liar Sleeps Tonight, Sirius Black, Spongy Dance Aug 8, 2004 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 6, 2015) |
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Don't Eat the Yellow Snow, Benny the Bouncer, Grow Mrs. Goldfarb, Serenade to a Jerk, Test Tube Baby, Old Man Atom, So Long Mom, Copycat Game, Reefer Man, I Heard, Lord Mr. Ford, Doggy Doo, It's a Super Spectacular Day, Little Bit Late, Geek's Revenge, My Bologna, Spam Jan 27, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 28, 2021) |
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Don't Give me a Goose, Backbreaker, Tie me Kangaroo Down, I Hold Your Hand in Mine, Find her Finer, Ahab the Arab, Beat the Reaper, No Money Down, Smoky the Bear, White Christmas, Zorro, Beatles Flying Saucer, Old Ben Lucas, It's a Gas, Merry go Round, Hey Shirley, Stardrek Dec 12, 1976 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 15, 2017) |
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Don't Knock the Rock, Take a Gal like You, Hambone, Big Movie Show in the Sky, Mr. Hoover and Mr. Smith, Heavy Music, Somebody to Love, Fragile Child, I'm so Glad, Sweet like So, Playing with the Strings, Knees up Mother Brown, I'm Surfing, From me to You, Nina Cocka Nina Jun 4, 1972 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 3, 2012) |
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Donald Duck, A Goose for my Girl, Has Anybody Seen my Dog?, E-I-O, Gooey Duck Song, Gentry's Gin, Popeye Medley, Rag Mop, Are You a Turtle?, Two Black Crows, Jim Socks, Benny Bell Tribute to Dr. Demento Mar 16, 1975 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 19, 2010) |
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Donald Where's Your Trousers, Mediocre Fred, Disco Sucks, Grandpa Funk, Barnacle Bill the Sailor, Honky Tonk Night Train Blues, Never Smile at a Crocodile, Day in the Life of Green Acres, Uncle Buddy, Johnny Carson, Who's on First, Fish Heads, Fruit Song Jul 22, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 4, 2018) |
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DOO WOP: Rubber Biscuit, Betty Boop Theme, Moo Moo Song, Tiger Rag, Nature Trail to Hell, Why Won't you Come Home, Oedipus Rex, Dang me, Little Toot, Another Puff, Go Cry on Somebody Else's Shoulder, Louie Louie, Yakety Yak, 60 Minute Man, Annie had a Baby, She's Big & Round, 99 Dead Baboons Jun 24, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 24, 2023) |
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DOODLES WEAVER INTERVIEW (part 2): Say that You Were Teasing Me, I Lithp, The Love-in, Ode to a Loquat Tree, Student's March Song, 99 Bottles, Hosanna, My Doctor, Trepidation Contest, top ten (MONO ONLY) Jun 30, 1974 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 12, 2010) |
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DPOD 0809: Random choice rules on this show! All the songs were picked at random from the thousands of songs I've played since 1970, as listed on the Demented Music Database ( Among the scarcer items are Alliance's hip-hop deconstruction of "Fish Heads," Bobby Pickett and Peter Ferrara's tribute to the 1976 King Kong remake, and a 1961 single by Dick Van Dyke. Mar 2, 2008 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 3, 2008) |
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DR DEMENTO's BIRTHDAY 1114: This is a special show on the occasion of Dr. Demento's birthday. As you may have noticed, the Doctor is enthusiastic about a great many kinds of music. Here he gets a chance to play some of his favorite records that aren't necessarily funny or "demented" - jazz, blues, rock, even some classical. He tells us how he got interested in each particular type of music.
Dr. Demento's usual insanity returns next week, along with the Demented News and the bonus tracks. Apr 2, 2011 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 2, 2011) |
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DR DEMENTO'S FARM 0920: We visit Dr. Demento's Farm this week - where laughter grows tall. It's our biggest-ever bumper crop of agricultural Dementia, with eight extra rural rarities in the bonus segment. Also featured is Luke Ski's tribute to Tom Lehrer, who claims to have invented the alcoholic concoction called the Jello Shot. May 17, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 18, 2009) |
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Dr. Demento D-Pod, 0705: By popular demand, it's - the return of the D-Pod Shuffle! We put together a list of all the songs played on the show since 1974, and picked 29 of them at random! Along with such all time hits as Deteoriorata, Wildwood Weed, and, Poisoning Pigeons In The Park, songs we haven't aired in twenty years or more. Fans of Tiny Tim, Frank Sinatra, Spike Jones and hillbilly humor should be especially delighted with what we turned up. Feb 4, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 5, 2007) |
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Specifically created for web use only. Sit On My Face, Party In My Pants, Big, Bad Johnson Apr 10, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 10, 2006) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S 1ST SHOW on KMET 1971: Hot Nuts, Diddie Wa Diddie, Christmas Balls Dec 18, 1971 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 3, 2006) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S FARM: Kitten is Angry, Food of Choice, Turdy Point Buck, Vader Boy, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, I am Cow, Down on the Electronic Farm, In the Mood, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Psycho Chicken, We Couldn't Start the Tractor, Marvin, Anakin, Devil Went to Jamaica May 15, 2005 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 3, 2014) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S ZOO 0921: This week we visit Dr. Demento's zoo - and some wild places too - with a tall stack of songs about wild animals of many species. The bonus segment in particular has a lot of items you aren't likely to find anywhere else. Our first two segments introduce a half dozen most excellent new songs. May 24, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added May 25, 2009) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S ZOO 1421: We go to the zoo this week. Songs about animals that act like people (and vice versa), animals that eat people, plus freaky fogs and naked apes. Also a few Demented military melodies for Memorial Day. May 24, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added May 24, 2014) |
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DR. DEMENTO'S ZOO: Curly Shuffle, Cause I'm a Blonde, I Wear Cologne, You Won't Succeed on Broadway, Reasons to be Miserable, Little Hybrid, Cheese Boogie Deluxe, Kitten is Angry, Let's Talk Dirty to the Animals, 99 Dead Baboons, Gnu Song, Nellie the Elephant, Vader Boy, Epithets, Anakin May 22, 2005 [ Play List ] (Added May 4, 2014) |
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Dr. Hackenbush, Psychedelic Love, Piles of it, I Hold your Hand in Mine, Bedtime Story, Boogie, Virgil's 300 Dollar Vacation, Baby Sitting Boogie, Sally Ann, Ernie, I Want a Hot Dog for my Roll, Hot Nuts, Witch Doctor, King Kong, Hey Shirley Jan 16, 1977 [ Play List ] (Added May 21, 2017) |
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DR. WHO 40TH ANNIVERSARY: Music Sex & Cookies, Cupcakes, Loving you has Made me Bananas, How Many Clowns in a Car?, 18 Wheels on a Big Rig, Ballad of Johnny Holmes, In my Country, Maniac vs. Brainiac, 7-11, Who is the Doctor, Doctorin the Tardis, Robot Cat, Dying Cub Fan's Last Request Nov 9, 2003 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 7, 2019) |
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DREAMS 1346: Our topic this week is dreams...from pleasant daydreams to total surrealism. We'll also celebrate Dr. Who's 50th anniversary with some Whovian hits. Rated PG-13 for a little rude language. Nov 16, 2013 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 16, 2013) |
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DRINKING & SMOKING ON KLSX: My Girl's Pussy, I'm a Mainframe, Famous Jews, Cocaine Blues, Booger on my Beer Mug, Too Young to Drink, Smoke that Cigarette, Another Puff, Smoking in the Boy's Room, Noctural Stumblebut, Wappin', No Smoking, Ooh Don't Touch That, Smoke-off May 27, 1990 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 18, 2019) |
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DUPPIES: Daffy Duck's Rhapsody, California Kid, Marvin, Bilbo Baggins, I Smoke Cause I Like to Cough, Ballad of the Volunteer Firefighters, Silicon Valley Guy, Garbage Collector in Beverly Hills, Yuppie Song, Shopping from A to Z, Shopping 9 to 5, You Need Love, Ghoul Days, Existential Blues part 2, Shaving Cream Mar 31, 1985 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 5, 2021) |
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Dust up his Nose, Ballad of Fearless Dwight, Political Science, Suicide is Painless, Laughing Gnome, Omar the Vampire, Someone Ate the Baby, Pizza's Revenge, My Girl has 3 Legs, Bloat on, Martian Hop, Boogie Woogie Amputee, You Went the Wrong Way old King Louis, Fish Heads, Smoke Off, My Dead Dog Rover Jan 7, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added May 15, 2022) |
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DYLAN/TOP TEN 2122: In celebration of Bob Dylan's 80th, a dozen Demented tributes to the man from Minnesota, by a wide variety of artists, famous and otherwise. Plus the Top Ten for May, some great requests, and a farewell to Rusty Warren. May 29, 2021 [ Play List ] (Added May 29, 2021) |
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DYNAMIC DUOS 1431: Today we celebrate Dynamic Duos...Abbott & Costello, Barnes & Barnes, Homer & Jethro, Bob & Ray, Flight of the Conchords, and of course Batman and Robin, plus lots more! Rated PG-13. (Adult listeners, stay tuned after the closing for some hot & heavy bonus tracks!) Aug 2, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 2, 2014) |
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EARLIEST DR. DEMENTO AIRCHECKS! Long before mad music and crazy comedy took over, listen to two early one-hour segments of the Doc on Steven Clean's show on KPPC in November and December of 1970. He plays an eclectic mix of blues, forgotten oldies, and the unexpected, including a few comedy/novelty tunes. Features medleys of songs about Los Angeles, cigarettes, and rolling stones. (MONO ONLY) Nov 19, 1970 [ Play List ] [ Play List ] (Added Oct 10, 2010) |
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EARLY '80'S 2120: Our special topic today is the early 1980s -- when the show was on over 100 stations nationwide, and Demented music was on a collective roll! Lots of hits, and some Demented rediscoveries. May 15, 2021 [ Play List ] (Added May 15, 2021) |
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EARLY DEMENTED RAP: Nightmare on My Street, I Put a Spell on You, Contra Rap, Rappin' Duke, Kosher Delight Oct 19, 1997 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 29, 2006) |
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EARTH DAY 0516: We Are The Worms, Sarah Cynthia Stout, It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature Apr 17, 2005 [ Play List ] (Added May 25, 2008) |
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EARTH DAY 0716: Here's a show to celebrate Earth Day, and especially that stuff so much of the Earth is covered with dirt! We'll hear Demented songs about dirt in all its dimensions. We'll also hear a couple of glorious items about pot smuggling in the 1970s...including "The Saga Of Smuggler Bill" by The Congress of Wonders (of "Star Trip" fame), unheard anywhere for over 30 years. NOTE: this show includes one song which was deleted from the broadcast version of the program due to the Don Imus episode. Warning: "Boyz-N-The-Hood" contains language that might offend some listeners. Apr 22, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 23, 2007) |
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EARTH DAY 1016: We celebrate Earth Day with a wide variety of funny stuff related to the environment in one way or another. The Australian comedy-music trio Tripod has two songs here, including one from their new concept album about Dungeons & Dragons. Notable rarities in this show: "The Trouble with Klingons," "Video Games," "Smog," "The Ballad of Woodsy Owl," "Dick Tracy Rides Again." Apr 18, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 19, 2010) |
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EARTH DAY 1316: Songs for Earth Day, plus a tribute to Jonathan Winters. The bonus tracks feature some J. Winters bootlegs, non-PC and not for children! Aside from that, the show is PG-13. Apr 20, 2013 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 20, 2013) |
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EARTH DAY 1516: Happy Earth Day - we celebrate our planet this week with "Ballad of Woodsy Owl," "(It's Not Nice To Fool) Mother Nature" and other mirthful earthfuls, plus more Stan Freberg and lots of requests. A bit of earthy language here and there. Apr 18, 2015 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 18, 2015) |
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EARTH DAY 1816: We celebrate Earth Day with a maximum of musical laughter and a minimum of guiltmongering! Also songs about Facebook, going back to 2009, and a couple by Second City's new comedy music star Robbie Ellis. Apr 21, 2018 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 21, 2018) |
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EARTH DAY 2116: Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, and on this show I salute Mother Earth with a variety of environmental songs by Tom Lehrer, Barnes & Barnes ("Don't F*** Up the World, unbleeped), Green E (The Environmental Elvis), Tiny Tim, Bill Oddie, Jim Henson and many more. Apr 17, 2021 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 17, 2021) |
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EARTH DAY/AROUND THE WORLD/MARIJUANA 1616: Three featured topics this week. In order of appearance: Earth Day, Around the World with Dr. D., and a set for 4-20. Some incidental nawty wirds and not-so-incidental cannabis references (in that last set). Apr 16, 2016 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 16, 2016) |
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EARTH DAY: Big Balls, I Wanna be a Woman, My Dog ate Nolan Ryan, Woman to Domino's, Your Feet's too Big, Leprosy, Grandpa's Gone Gangster, Rest Home Arizona, Toxic Swap, Bicycle Seat, Raccoon Song, Mother Nature, Ode to Playboy, Toe to Toe with the H.M.O., Getting in Touch with my Inner Bitch, Amanda Cohen Interview Apr 16, 2000 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 24, 2024) |
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EASTER 0915: Our Easter Sunday show celebrates several traditions that go along with Easter...Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, and chocolate in particular. The online-only bonus tracks have some especially hard-to-find examples, including the 100-year-old "Rabbit Hash" and also "The Chick," which appeared for one week only on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart, in 100th place. Apr 12, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 13, 2009) |
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EASTER 2015: Happy Easter! I've got a basket full of novelty tunes about bunnies and eggs (powerful fertility symbols for springtime!), plus "Eat It" and more from the Year in Dementia 1984...and farewell salutes to John Prine and music producer Hal Willner. Apr 11, 2020 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 11, 2020) |
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EASTER AND FERTILITY SONGS: Chocolate Is fine, In The Mood, Kiss This (Hey IRS), (These Eggs Were) Born To Run Apr 16, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 28, 2009) |
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EASTER SHOW 0714: Dr. Demento salutes Easter Sunday with special nods to the primeval symbols of fertility that have become so much a part of Easter celebrations today, since the holiday falls right around planting time each spring: eggs, chocolate, and especially the ever-so-prolific Easter bunny. We'll also celebrate the fertility of canines with "The Shameful Ballad of Lijah, the Precocious Orchard Queen" ...we'll exhume that hard-to-find novelty classic "The Last Blast Of The Blasted Bugler" (aka The Legend of Gunga Din) and we'll check out the underground musical comedy that's the hot topic in L.A. right now, "The Beastly Bombing." Apr 8, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 8, 2007) |
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EASTER/BASEBALL 1014: Two big days this weekend: Easter Sunday, and the opening of baseball season. (In some cities both events take place on the same day). Baseballs and bunny rabbits run wild on this week's show, and for the bonus tracks the Doctor digs deeper into his ample stash of baseball-related musical oddities. We also salute the late Fess Parker, with his own version of "The Ballad of Davy Crockett" plus two of the many parodies that song inspired. And...anyone who goes to fan conventions (cons) must, must hear "Going Home" by Kirby Krackle. Apr 4, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 5, 2010) |
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EASTER/BASEBALL 1514: Doubleheader special feature this week - Easter, plus the opening of baseball season! Plus a swell first-hour free-for-all. (note: one short song in the first hour is real lo-fi - Do Not Adjust Your Set) Apr 4, 2015 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 4, 2015) |
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EASTER/BASEBALL/DEEPSOUTHCON 1214: A triple feature this week: Easter, baseball, and a special program of artists who'll be performing with me at DeepSouthCon 50 in June. Bonus: more newly rediscovered Tom Lehrer. Apr 7, 2012 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 7, 2012) |
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EASTER/EARTH DAY 1916: Easter is this weekend...and the very next day is Earth Day. We'll celebrate both, along with the first novelty song to hit #1 on the pop charts in ages (and a parody of that song as well) a whole lot of garbage! Some cuss words in the second song. Apr 20, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 20, 2019) |
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EASTER/MEMORIES 2216: Happy Easter! The new Dr Demento show has a set of Demented Easter songs, plus some songs about memories of the past, and a fond farewell to Gilbert Gottfried. Stream it now at Apr 16, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 16, 2022) |
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EASTER/RODENTS 0513: Waffle Whiffer, Kill The Wabbit, Hamster Love, Squirrels Mar 27, 2005 [ Play List ] (Added May 25, 2008) |
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EASTER/WORM QUARTET INTERVIEW: Dentist, Mechanical Man, Accountant Son, Hot Point Warm Heart, Living in the Fridge, Arnold Rap, California Uber Alles, Peter Cottontain, You Wanna Buy a Bunny, Rabbit Valley, I'm Gonna Procreate, Coffee, Hardware Store, Sounds of Sinus, Sirius Black Apr 11, 2004 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 28, 2024) |
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EASTER: 99 Dead Baboons, Nature Trail to Hell, Peter Cottontail, You Wanna Buy a Bunny?, Where's the Beef, Sex Education, Boys Just Want to Have Sex, Bop Girl, Silicon Valley Guy, Jazz Club, Brown Shoes Don't Make it, Short Skis Suck, Books Jumped up, 3 Mile Island, I get Weird, I Love Rocky Road, Eat it Apr 22, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 7, 2024) |
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EASTER: Little Man, Russian Bandstand, Cocaine Decisions, Uncle Buddy, Sex w/ Pacman, Dork at the Party, Easter Parade, Peter Cottontail, Hot Rod, Earthquake, I Wish I Was a Wombat, How's Your Bird, Tennessee Bird Walk, Metal Head, Earache my Eye, Scotsman, Dead Puppies Apr 3, 1983 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 25, 2017) |
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EASY SONGS FOR HARD TIMES 0901: Our first show of 2009 spotlights the economy. We're calling it "Easy Songs For Hard Times." Along with songs inspired by the current SNAFU, I located some songs from the early 1930s when we were experiencing some very similar situations. Some of those songs are surprisingly cheerful! We could use a little of that cheer today. Jan 4, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 5, 2009) |
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EATING/DIETING: Black Denim Trousers, Cadillac Heaven, Bedrock Rap, Neanderthal Man, Floyd Freud, My Dead Friend Chester, I'm in Love with a Big Blue Frog, Sideboard Song, Chug-a-lug, Overweight Blues, You Eat Too Much, My Wife is on a Diet, Fat Man's Prayer, Snack Attack, Wet Dream, 99 Dead Baboons Nov 11, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added May 15, 2022) |
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Eccch, Hula Cop Hop, Captain Gorgeous, Rube From a High Grass Town, Siam, Abner the Baseball, Dirty Don, He's so Unusual, Pussy Pussy Pussy, Chest X-ray, Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, It's a Gas, Nixon's the One (MONO ONLY) May 19, 1974 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 10, 2013) |
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ELECTION/HALLOWEEN: Pinball Wizard, Mystery Pacific, Who's Gonna Win the Election?, Snoopy for President, I'm Gonna Vote Republican, Ride with Nixon, Vegetables, Stalin Wasn't Stalin, Dream Dirty Dreams, Combine Harvester, Laughing in Rhythm, Midnight Stroll, Halloween Spooks, Monster Mash, Haunted House, You're my Type, Beam me up Scotty, Spam, It's a Gas, Them Poems Oct 31, 1976 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 17, 2016) |
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ELECTION/TOP TEN 0844: Here's our election special for 2008. Along with new songs about Obama, McCain and Palin (somehow we just didn't get any Biden songs) we have lots of curiosities from past elections, promoting candidates both real and imaginary. The online-only bonus segment includes a Firesign Theatre rarity -- both sides of a picture disc single released to commemorate the 1980 election. (Sorry, no pictures). And then we move on to something really important - the Top Ten for October. Nov 2, 2008 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 3, 2008) |
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ELECTION: Gump, I Live in a Split Level Head, One Hen, Talking Song Repair Blues, Vulcan Mind Meld, Richter Scale, Election Year Rag, This Land is your Land, Alvin for President, Archie Bunker for President, Ringo for President, Winnie the Pooh for President, Snoopy for President, Liar Sleeps Tonight, One that Doesn't Suck so Bad, Tribal Council, Sirius Black Oct 17, 2004 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 24, 2022) |
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ELECTIONS 1642: Something I only get to do every four years - a presidential election show! There's a new Trump song, and out first Johnson song, but mostly we'll be recalling elections of the days when things were civilized! Elvis For President, Alvin For President, Snoopy For President, Miss Piggy For President, Sinatra singing for JFK, Rapmaster Ronnie and a whole lot more - plus songs about scary clowns and scary hunters! Oct 15, 2016 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 15, 2016) |
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ELECTIONS: Mr. Custer, I Lost on Jeopardy, If Shania was Mine, Happy Together, Froxen Embryos, Inbred Locals, Don't Touch me There, Smallest Thing Known to Man, High School Gym, Take off your Clothes, Beer, Religion & Politics, Abe Snake for President, Disco Bob, Do the Clinton, The One that Doesn't Suck so Bad, 4 Years of High School Spanish, Bulbous Bouffant Nov 3, 1996 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 21, 2024) |
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ELVIS 8332: Boogie, Smoke two Joints, Fighter Pilot, Let's Cut a Record, Navy Gets the Gravy, Mutiny in the Mess Hall, Shiny Shiny, This Old Heart, When the Crabgrass Blooms Again, Rubber Duckie, You Don't Bring me Flowers, My Boy Elvis, Elvis for President, Yoga is as Yoga Does, Elvis & his Boss, Elvis Imitator, Boogie in your Butt, I Love Rocky Road, My Dead Dog Rover Aug 7, 1983 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 24, 2018) |
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ELVIS PRESLEY 0732: A half-hour tribute to Elvis Presley: whose death thirty years ago inspired hundreds of musical tributes, serious and otherwise. We'll bring back some of those tributes along with some laughter from the King himself....and we'll also hear how Elvis helped inspire Dr. D to get into radio. Aug 12, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 12, 2007) |
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ELVIS PRESLEY TRIBUTE (KMET LIVE PART ONE): My Girl's Pussy, August in Azusa, Big Bear Lake, By Beautiful Sea, Lost my Stash, Vegetables, Redneck Hippie Romance, Greet the Press, Elvis for President, My Boy Elvis, Heartbreak Hotel, Bye Bye Elvis, Mystery Train Aug 21, 1977 [ Play List ] (Added Aug 14, 2022) |
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EMBARASSMENT 2337: This show features (in segments 3 through 6) songs that may embarrass some people, for various reasons -- though many regular listeners count them among their very favorites! You can stream this show anytime at Sep 16, 2023 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 16, 2023) |
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EMO PHILIPS INTERVIEW: Hanukkah Rocks, That's Why They Call it Rock & Roll, Cincinnati Dancing Pig, Night of the Living Dead Heads, Stallone Again Naturally, Gumby, Hector the Garbage Collector, Cow Pasture Polka, Life Sucks then You Die, Hooray for Santa Claus, Emo Phillips Interview, Bacteria, Downtown Downer's Grove, Wet Dream, Dare to be Stupid Dec 8, 1985 [ Play List ] (Added Dec 4, 2022) |
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EMO PHILIPS INTERVIEW: Ricky, Heavy Metal Shop, Fat Boys, Stink Foot, Harry the Hairy Ape, Rock Lobster, Library, Burning Down the Cartoon House, Why are you Living, Don't get Married, Downtown Downer's Grove, Smokey the Bear, Yuppie Drone, Honeymooner's Rap Oct 5, 1986 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 4, 2022) |
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ENERGY CRISIS: Get that Gasoline, Energy Crisis 74, I'm Rollin, I Hold your Hand in Mine, DOA, Speed Trap, MTA, You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd, Dancing Fool, Disco Tech, Dingy Song, Dead Frogs, Willie the Chimney Sweeper, My Name is Larry, Making Love in a Subaru, Cocktails for Two Apr 15, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 15, 2023) |
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Ernest, Little more Gauze, Please Please me, Yakety Yak, Flower Punk, Bubbling Brain Cells, Shriner's Convention, Surfer for President, Eight Arms to Hold You, Credit Card Song, Money, Riot in Cell Block #9, Flying Minorities, Mr. Gallagher & Mr. Shean, Peter Cottontail, My Boomerang Won't come Back, My Ding-aling, Disco Toilet, Lumberjack Song Apr 6, 1980 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 25, 2022) |
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ETHNIC DEMENTIA LIVE ON KLSX: I was Stoned and I Missed it, Little Toot, Chicken Lips & Lizard Hips, Ice Age Baby, Neanderthal Man, Just to Feed my Dog, Legend of the U.S. Titanic, Blah Blah Blah, Who Stole the Kishka, Handsome Harry the Hipster, Oh Vlade, Ooh Don't Touch That, 7-11 May 26, 1991 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 1, 2020) |
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ETHNIC DEMENTIA: Stranded in the Jungle, Sushi Baby, I'm a Wimp, Nails, Baby Zone, Great Green Gobs, Don't get Killed, Your Feets too Big, Pepino the Italian Mouse, Shuttup you Face, Born in East L.A., Shake your Tuckas, Spam, My Ding-a-ling, Thank God I'm a Jewish Boy, Give Peaks a Chance May 26, 1991 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 1, 2020) |
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EVEN MORE DEMENTED SONGS by ROCK AND ROLL ARTISTS: Snack Attack, No Anchoveys Please, Hold Tight (Want Some Seafood Mama), Boris the Spider, Old Ben Lucas, [Plexiglas Toilet],The Scotsman Nov 20, 1994 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 15, 2006) |
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Everybody Wants my Fanny, Bald Headed Woman, Pink Elephants on Parade, Bloat on, Studio 54, Eleanor Rigby, Mule Skinner Blues, You're the Pits, I've Got Tears in my Ears, Day in the Life of Green Acres, Dropout's March, My Ding-a-ling, Rubber Biscuit, Blob Mar 11, 1979 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 9, 2020) |
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Everyone says I Love You, Popcorn Sack, I like Beer, Gonna Buy me a Dog, It's Johnny's Birthday, Telephone Man, Clone of my Own, I Don't Wanna see the Movie, I Ate the Baloney, Salt, Boa Constricter, Don't Eat your Crayons, Then I'll be Satisfied with Life, They Don't Make Nun Names, Who Hid the Halibut on the Poop Deck, Pits, Crusher, Time Warp Jul 23, 1978 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 18, 2019) |
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EXERCISE: Brady Bunch, Sunday Driving, Outside the Hospital, Boys Just Want to Have Sex, Radio Russia, Ying Tong Song, Chicken Fat, Back When my Hair was Short, Dentist, Vampire Beavers, Cool Down, Elements, Eat it, Marvin I Love You Feb 19, 1984 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 7, 2019) |
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EXERCISE: You Can't Hide those Giant Thighs, Up Down Touch the Ground, Big Mac Tree, Spring Fishing, Ollie Off Scott Free, Winnebago Pioneers, Astro Boy, Chicken Fat, Bring Back the '60's, When I was Your Age, Stress, Ain't it a Beauty, Satan Gave me a Taco, Werecow, Hitting Bedrock, God Told me to Rob the 7-11 Jul 17, 1994 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 3, 2016) |
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1003: Here's another Fantasy Funny 25. Our winning list this time was submitted by William McLeese of Falls Church, VA, a listener since the 1970s. (We'll do this again in March. Get your list in now! The Doctor will pick the most entertaining collection of songs for broadcast at that time).
For the bonus tracks this week, the Doctor picked some favorites from his large collection of pre-WWII "party records." Included is one of the only two recordings ever made by Bert Savoy, a famous female impersonator of the 1920s. Parental guidance advised! Jan 17, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 18, 2010) |
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1012: Once again we present a Fantasy Funny 25 chosen by a listener. This time it's Blair Freeman of Joliet, IL.
Blair, a listener for over twenty years, has picked some excellent oddities and rarities along with much-loved comedy classics. (Note: the first four items are not part of the countdown, and "Double Yodel" is an "extra"). The bonus tracks are selected from a talk Dr. Demento presented in February at the Southern Folklife Library located at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Mar 21, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 22, 2010) |
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1029: Here's another Fantasy Funny 25, chosen by Kevin Connelly of Orland Park, IL. Lots of old favorites plus some we haven't heard often. The countdown begins with "Re: Your Brains" at number 25. NOTE: "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television" and "Clinton Got a Blowjob" are the original, uncensored versions. Same goes for the online bonus tracks - not safe for work! Jul 17, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Jul 17, 2010) |
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FANTASY TOP 25 0945: Something we haven't tried before this week...we present a "fantasy countdown" compiled by listener Steve Szeli of Newburgh, NY. This is essentially a countdown of Steve's favorite demented songs. It contains a nice mix of classic Demented hits with some items not heard all that often. We hope to present more "fantasy countdowns" on an occasional basis in the future, and we invite you to send your list! (Use the "request a song" feature at The "bonus tracks" are some deserving new songs we somehow haven't been able to fit into the regular show. There are a couple of naughty words here and there. Nov 8, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Nov 9, 2009) |
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FARM 1420: A Demented field trip to the farm today...songs about cows, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, and about the farmer "The Streak" (#1 40 years ago this week)! May 17, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added May 17, 2014) |
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FARM 1937: On Dr. Demento's farm, he grows funny songs instead of chickens or rutabagas. He has a bumper crop this time and plays about 90 minutes worth on this show! Plus some hot new stuff in the first half hour. Sep 14, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 14, 2019) |
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FARM: Curly Shuffle, Moose in my House, My Girlfriend is Inflatable, Conjunction Junction, I Feel Good, Man of Constant Sorrow, Pee-Wee Herman had a Farm, Come Together and Build a Barn, If Pigs Had Wings, Jollity Farm, In the Mood, Fisting the Sheep, Psycho Chicken, Dead Rappers Jun 9, 2002 [ Play List ] (Added Oct 4, 2015) |
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FARTING 2215: By popular demand I'm bringing back the farting contest, together with some carefully curated and hilarious songs about flatulence. Lots of other funny stuff too. Apr 9, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Apr 9, 2022) |
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FASHION 1336: As people pick out their fall outfits, it's time for another Dr. Demento fashion show! Seventeen songs and comedy bits, and one poem, all about clothes. No duplication with our April 6 clothing show! Also "Miley - The Sequel," "Don't Sneeze When You Eat Saimin," "Strange Things In My Soup" and lots more surprises. Sep 7, 2013 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 7, 2013) |
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FAST FOOD 1437: We celebrate (and de-celebrate) the Fast Food Nation...burgers, fries, tacos, hot dogs, pizza and more. Also a Joan Rivers tribute, and our usual first-hour free-for-all. Sep 13, 2014 [ Play List ] (Added Sep 13, 2014) |
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FAST FOOD 2201: Welcome to the third decade of the 21st century, dementites and dementoids!
Today we celebrate fast food, especially the kind you can hold in your hands - hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos, and pizza! Plus a Demented oddity by Betty White, and a bunch of other crazy tunes. You can hear that show anytime starting early on New Year's Day, 2022 - just visit and select "streaming." Jan 1, 2022 [ Play List ] (Added Jan 1, 2022) |
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FAST FOOD: (and a large orange drink - SAY IT! DRINK!) We explore the deeper meanings of burgers, hot dogs and tacos. Also: more new Tiny Songs by Logan Whitehurst, plus Hot Jewish Chicks, Boobs A Lot, and a Fungus Among Us. Jul 16, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 27, 2009) |
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FATHER'S DAY 0724: Our annual Father's Day show. All Dads are welcome to listen...however, a healthy sense of humor is a prerequisite. Also featured: hot new songs from Sudden Death (re the drug industry), the great Luke Ski (re "Family Guy"), Man Bites God (re primates who may be happier than we are) and Possible Oscar (re one of the most popular sound effects in movie history).
A special tip of the tophat to funny music artist "Silly Nelson" Duncan, currently serving with the US Army in Mosul, Iraq. Jun 17, 2007 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 18, 2007) |
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FATHER'S DAY 0824: We celebrate Father's Day with an hour of songs about fathers, and men in general. Warning: Dad will need a healthy sense of humor to handle a couple of these. For our online listeners, Rarities By Request features a couple of outhouse oratorios, a little-known but delightful Coasters song and a nicely noirish Logan Whitehurst piece from one of his early collections. Jun 15, 2008 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 16, 2008) |
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FATHER'S DAY 0925: Our Father's Day celebration has an hour of fatherly favorites (plus more on the bonus segment). As with our Mother's Day madness, a healthy sense of humor is essential! Also featured - Todd Snider's new song about Dock Ellis, who pitched a no-hitter for the Pittsburgh Pirates while tripping on LSD, and a trio of movie star tributes. Jun 21, 2009 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 22, 2009) |
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FATHER'S DAY 1324: Happy Father's Day! Father's day songs are quite different from Mother's Day are an hour's worth of examples. Also a farewell to Don Bowman, "Paradise In My GPS," "Phonetic Punctuation," "Jim Beam Me Up, Scotty" and lots of requests. Jun 15, 2013 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 15, 2013) |
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FATHER'S DAY 1924: Happy Father's Day! Here's an hour of funny fatherly favorites, plus a tribute to my late colleague Dr. John, some of your requests and a few provocative animal songs. Jun 15, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 15, 2019) |
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FATHER'S DAY 2025: There are more songs about mothers than about fathers, but father songs are more likely to be Demented! Some of the best ones, and maybe one or two of the worst, are on this week's show. Jun 20, 2020 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 20, 2020) |
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FATHER'S DAY 2324: Happy Father's Day! Here are 25 funny songs about fatherhood, plus some more goodies for everyone. You can stream that show now or anytime from Enjoy! Jun 17, 2023 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 17, 2023) |
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FATHER'S DAY/ALCOHOL 1224: Songs for Father's Day, plus another installment of our Alcohol Alphabet (with the Frontal Lobotomy song) and a tribute to Ray Bradbury. Rated PG-13 (the last song, after the closing, is for adults only). Jun 16, 2012 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 16, 2012) |
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FATHER'S DAY/BIRDS 2424: This week we celebrate Father's Day with a half-hour of demented Dad songs. The rest of the show is for the birds -- from woodsy owls to poisoned pigeons, from giant parakeets to psycho chickens! You can stream that show anytime at Jun 15, 2024 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 15, 2024) |
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FATHER'S DAY/SUMMER 1025: This week's show features two Demented celebrations - Father's Day and the coming of summer. Lots of items that haven't been on the show for years. Also - three new songs about the oil spill, and farewells to Stuart Paul and to Robert O. Smith, voice actor extraordinaire for cartoons and games, and creator of "Walter Wart, the Freaky Frog." Rare items by both artists are featured in the bonus tracks. Jun 19, 2010 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 19, 2010) |
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FATHER'S DAY/SUMMER 1625: Double feature this week - Father's Day, and the coming of summer - plus hot new stuff by Tim Cavanagh, Insane Ian and Steve Goodie. Rated PG-13, mostly for "Bluegrass" and "I'm Gonna Procreate". Jun 18, 2016 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 18, 2016) |
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FATHER'S DAY: Jump Jump, When I'm 64, I Palindrome I, Crabs Walk Sideways, My Dog Ate Nolan Ryan, Litterbug, Fresh Garbage, I Love Trash, That's my Pa, It's Just my Kids, Poor Papa, Quayle Portrait, 7-11, Happy Happy Joy Joy Jun 21, 1992 [ Play List ] (Added Feb 4, 2019) |
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FATHER'S DAY:Happy Father's Day from Dr. Demento! Father's Day humor tends to be
somewhat less respectful than what you might hear on Mother's Day..."When The Mush Begins To Rush Down Father's Vest," for instance, or Brian
Wilson's ode to his father Murry, "I'm Bugged At My Old Man." We'll also hear Shel Silverstein's "Father Of A Boy Named Sue," and a song that gets right down to the heart of fatherhood, "I'm Gonna Procreate" by Worm Quartet. We'll also hear, among many others, Stan Freberg's very first hit record, "John and Marsha," and that Odd Couple Tony Randall and Jack Klugman singing "When Banana Skins Are Falling, I'll Come Sliding Back To You." Jun 18, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 16, 2006) |
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FATHERS/TV/SUMMER 1724: Three (count 'em) three special topics this week: Father's Day, Television (with a tribute to Adam West), and Summer (happy Solstice!) Jun 17, 2017 [ Play List ] (Added Jun 17, 2017) |
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FAVORITE DRUG: Gentry's Gin, Chug-A-Lug,I Like Beer, Hangover
9 Coronas Apr 30, 2006 [ Play List ] (Added May 2, 2006) |
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FAVORITES 1920: Not long ago there was a fine discussion on the Dr D Facebook group in which listeners named their favorite Demented Disc of all time. I figured that was worth turning into a show, and here it is! May 18, 2019 [ Play List ] (Added May 18, 2019) |
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FAVORITES from Unreleased Tapes:
A Perverts Life, She's Big and Round, Won't Eat Prunes Again May 6, 2001 [ Play List ] (Added Mar 28, 2006) |
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