Audio Message

That's right Dementites and Dementoids... Dr. Demento will record a custom message to your specifications *(some restrictions apply), at the very same studio at which the weekly episode of the Dr. Demento Show is recorded!
Be it well wishes for a Happy Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, a Get Well message, a customized outgoing voicemail announcement, personalized greeting for yourself, or just a 'deeee-mented' surprise for a friend or loved one, the possibilities are endless... Just let us know what you'd like the good Doctor to say, or provide a general idea, and he'll improvise to fill the prescription himself!
Once recorded the message will immediately be sent to you by email in MP3 format, OR if you prefer - burned to CD and physically mailed instead. It's your choice entirely, (an additional $5 shipping and handling fee will apply for the physical CD option. Shipping available within the USA only).
$60.00 ea.
*All personalized messages must be kept to no more than 2 minutes or less in length, and all recordings are provided, intended, and permitted for personal use only. NO commercial use, business endorsements nor commercial or business use of any kind whatsoever is permitted, granted, sold or implied. All commercial or business related inquiries will be considered (and applicable rates quoted) on a case by case basis. Any messages requested can be refused or revised in the Dr.'s sole and absolute discretion.